BibTeX bibliography style: jss2


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This is an example of a paragraph with in-text
citations using the jss2 BibTeX style.
Here is a reference to a journal article with
a single author \cite{article1}, to a journal
article with two authors \cite{article2} and
three authors \cite{article3}, and to a book
with four authors \cite{book4}.

BibTeX jss2 bibliography style example with in-text references and bibliography
BibTeX bibliography style jss2: examples of in-text citations and bibliography for journal articles and books.

Bibliography examples for all BibTeX entries


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an article entry
Example of a bibliography item for an article BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an article entry
Example of a bibliography item for an article BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for a book entry
Example of a bibliography item for an book BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for a book entry
Example of a bibliography item for an book BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for a booklet entry
Example of a bibliography item for a booklet BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for a booklet entry
Example of a bibliography item for a booklet BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an inbook entry
Example of a bibliography item for an inbook BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an inbook entry
Example of a bibliography item for an inbook BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an incollection entry
Example of a bibliography item for an incollection BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an incollection entry
Example of a bibliography item for an incollection BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an inproceedings entry
Example of a bibliography item for an inproceedings BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an inproceedings entry
Example of a bibliography item for an inproceedings BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an mastersthesis entry
Example of a bibliography item for an mastersthesis BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an mastersthesis entry
Example of a bibliography item for an mastersthesis BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an manual entry
Example of a bibliography item for an manual BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an manual entry
Example of a bibliography item for an manual BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an misc entry
Example of a bibliography item for an misc BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an misc entry
Example of a bibliography item for an misc BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an phdthesis entry
Example of a bibliography item for an phdthesis BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an phdthesis entry
Example of a bibliography item for an phdthesis BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an proceedings entry
Example of a bibliography item for an proceedings BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an proceedings entry
Example of a bibliography item for an proceedings BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an techreport entry
Example of a bibliography item for an techreport BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an techreport entry
Example of a bibliography item for an techreport BibTeX entry.


jss2: example of a bibliography item for an unpublished entry
Example of a bibliography item for an unpublished BibTeX entry.
jss2: example of a bibliography item for an unpublished entry
Example of a bibliography item for an unpublished BibTeX entry.

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