BibTeX field: url
How to use the url field in BibTeX?
The url field is used to store the URL of a web page. It is a non-standard BibTeX field and is only supported y a handful of styles.
url = "" url = ""
BibTeX styles that support the url field
- IEEEtran
- IEEEtranN
- IEEEtranS
- IEEEtranSA
- IEEEtranSN
- bestpapers-export
- bestpapers
- abbrvnat-fr
- plainnat-fr
- unsrtnat-fr
- dk-abbrv
- dk-alpha
- dk-apali
- dk-plain
- dk-unsrt
- jae
- jpe
- jss2
- gbt7714-plain
- gbt7714-unsrt
- abbrvdin
- alphadin
- natdin
- plaindin
- unsrtdin
- dinat
- iopart-num
- is-abbrv
- is-alpha
- is-plain
- is-unsrt
- IEEEannot
- abstract
- aichej
- ajl
- decsci
- jtbnew
- nar
- munich
- perception
- spain
- sweplnat
- abbrvurl
- alphaurl
- plainurl
- unsrturl
- vancouver
- aasjournal
- abntex2-alf
- abntex2-num
- ACM-Reference-Format
- adfathesis
- ametsoc2014
- aomalpha
- aomplain
- ascelike
- bur
- cascadilla
- cmpj
- cqunumerical
- dlfltxbbibtex
- elsarticle-harv
- elsarticle-num-names
- elsarticle-num
- agsm
- apsr
- dcu
- jmr
- jphysicsB
- kluwer
- en-mtc
- mn2e
- mnras
- unified
- abbrvnat
- plainnat
- unsrtnat
- naturemag
- nddiss2e
- chronoplainnm
- plainnm
- unsrtnm
- osajnl
- osajnl
- resphilosophica
- aipauth4-1
- aipnum4-1
- apsrev4-1
- apsrmp4-1
- seuthesix
- rusnat
- thuthesis-author-year
- thuthesis-numeric
- tufte
- tugboat
- mybibstyle
- PhDbiblio-url
- PhDbiblio-url2
- upmplainnat