Full bibliography styles compilation
BibTeX bibliography styles collection: 228 bibliography styles
Standard bibliography styles
Other bibliography styles
These styles need to be installed separately, e.g. from CTAN.
- acmtrans
- apalike-german
- apalike2
- astron
- authordate1
- authordate2
- authordate3
- authordate4
- abbrv-fr
- abbrvnat-fr
- alpha-fr
- apalike-fr
- aer
- agecon
- ajae
- apecon
- abbrvdin
- alphadin
- aaai-named
- abstract
- aichej
- ajl
- alphanum
- ama
- amsalpha
- amsplain
- annotate
- apa
- automatica
- aip
- abbrvurl
- alphaurl
- aasjournal
- abntex2-alf
- abntex2-num
- ACM-Reference-Format
- adfathesis
- agu
- agu04
- agufull
- agufull04
- ametsoc2014
- aomalpha
- aomplain
- asaetr
- ascelike
- agsm
- apsr
- abbrvnat
- aipauth4-1
- aipnum4-1
- apsrev4-1
- apsrmp4-1
- agufull08
- chicago-annote
- chicago
- cje
- cbe
- chicagoa
- cj
- cpc
- cascadilla
- cell
- cjebibstyle
- cmpj
- cqunumerical
- chronological
- chronoplainnm
- CUEDbiblio
- IEEEtran
- IEEEtranN
- IEEEtranS
- IEEEtranSA
- IEEEtranSN
- ier
- itaxpf
- ijqc
- iopart-num
- is-abbrv
- is-alpha
- is-plain
- is-unsrt
- IEEEannot
- iaea
- ieeepes
- ifac
- ijmart
- imac
- plain-fr
- plainnat-fr
- plaindin
- plainyr
- pnas
- pnas2009
- perception
- plain-fa-inLTR-beamer
- plain-fa-inLTR
- pf
- ppcf
- plainurl
- plainnat
- plainnm
- psuthesis
- PhDbiblio-case
- PhDbiblio-url
- PhDbiblio-url2